Spring Season Registration is open now through March 2nd

Women's Recreational 7v7 Indoor

8 game season
Mondays at 6:15 and 7:10pm
Matches start 3/10/25
Location: Virginia Beach Field House
Registration fees: $85

Women's Competitive 11v11 Outdoor

8 game season
Sundays at 8 and 10am
Matches start 3/9/25
Location: Hampton Roads Soccer Complex
Registration fees: $85

Coed 11v11 Outodor

8 game season
Fridays at 6:15 and 8pm
Matches start 3/14/25
Location: Hampton Roads Soccer Complex
Registration fees: $85

Please contact our Registrars with any questions:
Amy Cardona - Women's Registrar at registrar@sevwsa.net
Alberto Zayas - Coed Registrar at coedregistrar@sevwsa.net